Thursday, August 30, 2007

Reflections of the ukulele boy

I haven't had a chance to update the blog for a while. Much has been going on...I have been a bit unwell, catching up with print orders and also trying to work on marketing material for my business. Most of all, I don't get to spend the time I used to taking pictures of my little man. He turned four in June and is so much into being a big boy! He goes to preschool two days a week and wants to for four days. Can you guess why? Because he is four. It's all about the number four. Four cookies, four bites to eat, four toys, lol.

But tonight my cute, available model consented to let his mama take some pictures of him for a photo contest. Since time was of essence, I had to find something quick and close by. Inspiration comes in many ways and I found it in my own backyard. Or side-yard. Well...really, my neighbor's, lol. They have this bright green trailer that has been screaming photo opp for the longest time. I have thought about it forever and finally got to take some fun pictures using it as a backdrop. Be sure to look around you. Your next best photo may be right around the corner.

reflections of the ukulele boy.

one more song...

the reward.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

two more for Deb

another sneak peek for you...
i am working on your gallery and should have it ready this week!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

He's here!

Congrats, L on the birth of baby A. I am so excited for BP, A and you. Wish I was there to take some pictures of the little guy. So glad I was able to be there for the baby shower and spend some time with you in your gorgeous home. Did I tell you that I love your house? lol. I haven't been excited about a house for a long time and your place is beautiful and all of what you have done with it.

I wish I could have taken more pictures of you. It was quite rushed but I got a few on our last day that I will be sending you soon. Hey, tell A that Ro had so much fun playing with him.
so that what you see will be